| TeacherHub
Submission Guidelines
The JLearnHub Style Guide is well underway, but still in development. Until it's fully fleshed out, follow these basic guidelines for submitting resources to the TeacherHub Marketplace:

Anything that might be useful in a Jewish educational setting may be submitted, so long as it can be distributed digitally.
Some examples of resources, though not an exhaustive list, of resources likely to sell on the TeacherHub Marketplace:
Games - printable, PowerPoint, etc.
Hebrew Decoding Resources - flashcards, workbooks, videos, lesson plans, etc.
T'fillah Resources - Visual T'fillah, printable siddurim, VT/siddur templates, etc.
Trope Resources - lesson plans, videos, presentations, games, etc.
Arts Engagement - art project plans, music lesson plans, Israeli dance choreography guides, film discussion guides, etc.
Text Study - parshat hashavua guides, rabbinic text study guides, holiday study guides, etc.
Charts & Visual Aids - printable or projectable
Israel Education Resources - lesson plans, discussion guides, videos, etc.
Any other resource an educator may find useful in the classroom or with tutoring students.

Our Collaborating editors may have access to different programs and technology, but the preferred file types are easier for most of our Collaborators to work with.
Preferred file types:
Microsoft Office (Word/.doc/.docx, PowerPoint/.ppt/.pptx, Publisher/.pub, Excel/.xls/.xlsx, )
Photoshop/Illustrator/any Adobe Creative Suite file format
LibreOffice files (same extensions as Microsoft Office preferred, but LibreOffice can now support over 280 file types -- see the full list on the LibreOffice Wikipedia page.)
Non-preferred file types:
DavkaWriter files/.dwd (DavkaWriter doesn't use Unicode Hebrew fonts, which can be read by assistive devices; our editors would have to transition the text to a more universally accessible file type.)
Uneditable PDF with no editable form included (we must be able to make comments for the feedback process, even if the end product should be an uneditable PDF; you may include an uneditable PDF to make sure your preferred formatting can be viewed, it just can't be your only file format.)

If you include Hebrew or other source texts in your resource, make sure you have the legal right to redistribute it. Not all online sources allow redistribution (like Mechon-Mamre), so remove any texts you may have copied from those; others allow redistribution with attribution (like Open Siddur, Sefaria, and Wikisource), so be sure to include a footnote citing the source either in the file itself or in a separate list.
If you're not sure, include the general source citation (e.g. Deuteronomy 1:1-17, Text of Reform Amidah, Text of Orthodox Aleinu, etc.) and highlight or remove the possibly copyrighted text entirely -- one of our Collaborating Editors will add in non-copyrighted source text with the proper citations for you.

If you include any images or clipart in your resource, make sure you have the legal right to redistribute them. Open-source clipart images often require acknowledgement. Cite any sources that require such.
If you're not sure, include a description of the type of image used (e.g. lulav, sun/moon, Torah scroll, etc.) and highlight or remove the possibly copyrighted images entirely -- one of our Collaborating Editors will add in non-copyrighted images for you wherever possible.

With your submission, you'll be asked to suggest categories, tags, and Badges that may apply to your resource. This is optional, but can drastically speed up the feedback/editorial process if you get the list started for us.
Categories are broad, useful for casual browsing of similar resources. There's a list of Categories to check off any that apply, and also an "Other" space to add more. Each product should only fit into a handful of categories.
Tags are more specific, useful for finding a particular resource rather than general browsing. An individual resource can have any number of tags. Possible tags may cover...
Contents: Source texts, specific activity types, format, etc.
Setting & Audience: specific ages/grades, classroom/camp/youth group...
Badges are specifically regarding disability accommodations. If you're not sure which disabilities your resource could accommodate, our Collaborators will help determine which Badges they may qualify for. You're welcome to suggest which disabilities you think your resource might be good at accommodating.

Try to stick to fonts that are...
pre-installed on the average computer
easy to read
Note: sans-serifs are usually easier to read on screens than serifs, while serifs are usually easier to read when printed.
Exact preferred font list TBD.

The submission form also asks for a statement from you: give us a sentence or three with any thoughts you have on how an educator might use your resource, how it's been successfully used in the past, or any other ideas that might help the Collaborating Editors visualize its potential in the marketplace. This is your open-ended chance to convince us your work could be a valuable contribution to the TeacherHub!