Online Classes & Workshops
Learn with JLearnHub educator Rae Antonoff (RaeAn) -- more topics, time options, & educators coming soon!
All classes are taught on Zoom; join link will be sent via email to the account used to check out in your registration 3 days before the start or class or as soon as your registration is logged by the human behind the system for registrations after that point.

Hebrew School for Grown-Ups:
Hebrew Letters 101
Starts October 10 & 12, 2021
Learn the Hebrew letters with Rae Antonoff (RaeAn), creator of JLearnHub's Hebrew Step-By-Step curriculum, Accessible Jewish Curriculum Design specialist, & the Jewish educator behind on TikTok!
Prerequisites: None
For more info & to register:
Sundays 2-3pm Pacific Time
Tuesdays 5-6pm Pacific Time

Learn the basics of Reform Shabbat liturgy to gain the skills & background knowledge to tart feeling at home in a Reform Shabbat worship service.
Prerequisites: Hebrew letter decoding/reading (do not need to be totally fluid, but at least recognize most or all the letters & nikkud/vowel marks)
For more info & to register:
Mondays 5-6pm Pacific Time